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Vol. 10 - Issue 2
March 8, 2021


Tom Baker On The Latest From The Penn Law School Covid Coverage Litigation Tracker


Penn Law Professor Tom Baker is still going full-tilt with his Covid Coverage Litigation Tracker.  It is the single-best source to get the latest -- and constantly changing – statistics on Covid coverage litigation decisions.  Given that decisions are now coming down swarm-like, this has to be a huge undertaking for Tom to keep it up.

I asked him.  “It IS a huge undertaking,” Tom told me by email, “but lots of people are helping, especially at UConn’s Insurance Law Center.  The weak link is state court decisions, because there isn’t any unified docket system.  If you’re involved in a state court case, please send a copy of any judicial rulings to cclt@law.upenn.edu.”

Check out the current scoreboard and latest statistics here:



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